Registration Form

Click the link below for the Registration Form.


Registration Information

1. Registration form must be filled out and submitted, if this is not received we can not continue with registration. Registration closes March 15th, any after is not guaranteed.
2. Fees must be paid before a player is allowed to be on the field. If there is a secondary source of funding, proof of application must be provided.
3. There will be no special placement of players on teams dependent on friends etc. Special placement will only be applied if there are multiple family members (siblings) in the same age group.
4. Players will not be moved from one age group to another without assessments done by a Board member, Coaches from both teams. This assessment does NOT guarantee your player being moved. Players may be moved from one age group to another for medical concerns, this would be decided by the LSA Board, Risk Manager and Coaches involved
5. All teams will be integrated unless there is a need for a particular team for a tournament stating female only.

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