Registration Fees
Team Fee's - Child will be placed on team as per their age on Dec 31st 2024
Child will be placed on team as per their age on Dec 31st 2024
Example: Lucy is 7 years old on February 2nd, 2018. This makes her 6 years old as of Dec 31st 2024, therefore she would be on the U7 Team
Fees are as follows:
U5 - $90 + $100 volunteer fee= $190
U7 - $120 + $100 volunteer fee = $ 220
U10 - $170 + $100 volunteer fee + $50 jersey fee = $320
U13 - $200 + $100 volunteer fee + $50 jersey fee= $350
U15- $220 + $100 Volunteer fee + $50 jersey fee =$370
U19 - $240 + $100 volunteer fee +$50 jersey fee= $390
Discount for more then one child. First child is full price, any additional children are 10% off . Full price applies to the oldest age group. Discount only applies to the registration fee not the volunteer and jersey fee.
*Jerseys, socks and shorts will be supplied*
* Volunteer fee is $100 per child, total of 4 hours to be completed per child. This may include, washing jerseys, concession, flagging, timing etc. ( a full list of approved volunteer activities will be sent out )
* If a secondary source is paying your registration fees, they will receive the volunteer fee back not the parent/caregiver.
* Both volunteer and jersey fees will be returned at the end of the season only. NOT when hours are completed.
* If you have applied to be a Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager the volunteer fee will be automatically waived once you have been accepted and placed on a team.